The FWIW Guide to Cleantech Investing: Sectors to Watch
An overview of more than a dozen key sustainability sectors to watch
FWIW’s Guide To The Rewards of Long-Term Investing
Financial experts advise investors take a long-term view. Here is a look at the data behind this advice and why values-aligned investors may be a good match for this strategy.
Decoding The ESG Framework Market
An overview of many of the key ESG reporting frameworks that companies use to report and monitor their environmental, social and governance progress.
Largest ESG or Sustainability Focused Funds
Largest ESG and Sustainable ETFs and Mutual Funds (by assets under management)
Unpacking the ESG Alphabet Soup
What's the difference between various values-aligned investment strategies? And which is right for me?
Nerd out with us — what we’re reading & watching
Don't miss out on our top recs for quality ESG reads and watches.
Investing in Women: A Guide to Gender Lens Investing
Gender lens investing is a fast-growing segment of the ESG market. But what does it mean, and how can I incorporate it into my portfolio?
How to Research ESG Stocks & Funds
Four resources you can use when getting started on your ESG and sustainable investing journey.
How to Practice Faith-Based Investing
If your interest in values-aligned investing is tied to your religious faith, you’re not alone. In fact, churches, synagogues, and even Buddhist monks are increasingly turning to ESG for their investments.
FWIW’s Favorite Social Media Accounts for Investing Content
Social media platforms can be a great place to find community and learn new things in your journey to invest with impact.